Saturday, February 10, 2007

'Weekend Food' to digest....'Makanan Hujung Minggu'...

salam semua....

saya sempat 'terjah' satu blog dan tertarik dengan HASIL satu 'survey' yang di jalankan oleh Asia-Europe Institute dan Universiti Malaya.

It is difficult to get a guide to Islamic public opinion anywhere. One of the best is a joint Asia-Europe Institute and University of Malaya survey of Malay Muslim opinion in Malaysia.
About 65 per cent of Malaysia's population is Muslim, and only Malay Muslims were surveyed. Certainly it is vastly more successful and wealthy than it was 20 years ago. If there's a Muslim population anywhere that should feel happy and content it is in Malaysia. Successful, increasingly rich, Islam afforded a special status in the constitution, Malays given substantial financial, educational, housing and other preferences, persecuted by no one, they should be among the least paranoid people in the Muslim world.
If they are, then that is disturbing, for the results of the poll are unsettling to say the least. Here are highlights:

* 73 per cent of Malays, if they could choose only one identity, would choose Muslim first, only 14 per cent would choose Malaysian while 13 per cent would choose Malay. So Islam trumps citizenship, which only just edges out ethnicity.

One of the complaints that the Malays have against the Chinese and Indians was that they were not loyal to the country instead having loyalties to India and China. Well clearly this survey tells us that Muslims have a greater loyalty to Islam than the nation.

* 77 per cent believe Malaysians should be allowed to choose their own religion but this is contradicted by a massive 98 per cent believing that Malaysian Muslims should not be allowed to change their religion. Freedom of religion means you don't have to convert to Islam, but if you are a Muslim you should have no right under the law to change your religion under any circumstances. This belief is very widespread throughout the Muslim world.

* 73 per cent said their parents had had the greatest influence on their development as Muslims, an encouraging sign of the strength of indigenous Malay traditions as opposed to contemporary Middle East influences.

Unfortunately most of their parents were already influenced by these teachings or at least the survey does not tell us otherwise.

* 49 per cent thought the Malaysian Government sufficiently Islamic, but almost as many, 47 per cent, thought it was not sufficiently Islamic.

About right if you see voting patterns for PAS

* 77 per cent do not want Malaysia to become an Islamic state like Iran, but 18 per cent do want Malaysia to become an Islamic state like Iran.

* 57 per cent say Islam and politics should be separate but a substantial 40 per cent say they should be mixed.

* 57 per cent do not want strict hudud laws (stoning for adultery, and so on) implemented in Malaysia but 32 per cent do want hudud laws.

* 60 per cent say non-Muslims should not be subject to hudud laws but nearly a third, 28 per cent, actually want hudud laws to apply to non-Muslims. Similarly, some 31 per cent want sharia (Islamic law) to replace the Malaysian constitution.

What's the fucking social contract you're talking about? Fucking approximately one third of all Muslims want to subvert our constitution.

* 77 per cent, a staggering figure, believe that Malaysia's existing sharia laws (which govern family matters for Muslims) are not strict enough.

* 76 per cent believe men and women in Islam have equal rights.

I'll believe this when I see a PAS woman MP and a woman having four husbands.

* 57 per cent believe wives could disobey husbands to work, but 47 per cent say if the husband forbids work, the wife should obey.

It's ok most Malays are lazy anyway. Nothing wrong with their women taking after them.

* 97 per cent, encouragingly, believe it is acceptable to live alongside non-Muslims and 79 per cent believe Malays should learn about other religions.

* 62 per cent believe suicide bombings are wrong but a disturbing 12 per cent (the exact mid-point of Pipes's estimated range) support it.

* 1 per cent like the US, 45 per cent dislike it and 39 per cent hate the US.
* 3 per cent like Europe, 38 per cent dislike it and 19 per cent hate Europe.
* 4 per cent like Australia, 37 per cent dislike it and 18 per cent hate Australia.

dari ""

begitulah ceritanya......
'happy digesting.....' ' selamat menggunyah....' di hujung minggu...


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