Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pure Heart vs Pecah Amanah

salam semua...

suka saya berkongsi dengan semua akan sebuah 'peringatan' untuk semua kakitangan di firma saya.

peringatan ini 'keluar' setelah salah seorang dari kakitangan telah 'berhenti' dengan kerelaan sendiri setelah mengaku terlibat dalam kes pecah amanah..

moga semua mendapat secebis iktibar dari peringatan ini...

Salam to all,

As everybody had known, our friend had left the company.
He had tender his resignation yesterday, and yesterday was his last day with us.

He is a classic case of a highly ambitious personel but had fallen apart due to 'self miss-management'.

We sometime think that we can manage & lead an excellent life all the way; yes indeed we can but we always forgot that 'money' is not everything.
We teach people about siddiq, amanah, tobligh & fatonah, but we fail to understand, comprehend, embrace & adapt the attitudes to ourself.

Our friend fall apart and miss-manage his precious life due to money & woman.
We also believe that our friend is a good slave to God (as he always perform his prayer) and he is a trainer.
We always think that why he cannot handle himself and let his nafs take control his innerself.

This is about sincerity.

First & foremost, we must sincere to our Almighty God.
Then we must sincere to ourself.
Later we must sincere to our family & others.

If we say that we are sincere to God but in actual fact, we have this doctrine; without money or woman we cannot live…. Then we are the great-great liars.
And we might have fall into the 'syirik khafi' trap.

If we say that we are sincere to ourself but in actual fact, we do not perform our ibadah (works etc) accordingly but claims that we had perform tremendously…then we are a stupid liars.

If we say that we sincere to others but in actual fact, we has no balls to lead them, guide them to straight path (instead we follow their crocked path)…then we are the worst than animals.

So, everything is about sincerity…. It's about pure heart…

And SCA is not the place for people that got no Pure Heart…
Because, without pure heart, you definitely won't survive here…
Sooner or later, you yourself will vaporize in the thin air…

We pray our friend will find his pure heart out there…insya Allah.

We are not any God to put any sentences to anybody… but that 'anybody' who's the one who put sentences to themselves.

Regards & wasalam

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